Intermittent fast - what is it and how to use it

Today, there are many different diets. They are a constant interest of those who want to know how to lose fat fast. Every year, more and more schemes and types of nutrition appear in the information space. Vegetarianism, protein diet, low-carb diet, and even complete fasting - the choice for those who want to know how to lose weight quickly is huge. But recently, a single diet or a way of eating has gained great popularity. We are talking about interval fasting. Many athletes and bodybuilders have heard about this diet. In this article, we will consider what kind of diet it is, and how to intermittent fast for weight loss.
What is intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting is a popular diet for weight loss, consisting of the periodic refusal of food. In fact, the most popular method is the 16/8 system - a complete rejection of food for 16 hours and 8 hours when you can eat. The effectiveness of this method of losing weight has already been confirmed by numerous nutritionists. In recent years, such a diet is gaining immense popularity among those who want to lose extra pounds without unnecessary trouble. For a long time, experts promoted regular meals, assuring that five meals a day accelerates metabolism and helps to lose weight faster.
There are more radical options for intermittent nutrition, for example, the so-called “warrior diet”: 20 hours of complete starvation, and in the remaining four hours of the day, an enhanced meal. Doctors categorically advise refusing the last option, since the use of such a form of fasting is scientifically doubtful.
Interval fasting is a diet, a way to compose your menu so that you can get the most out of it. This diet does not change your menu, it changes the time of eating food. Many Hollywood stars prefer this diet and celebrate their results.
The benefits of this diet
A 16-hour refusal to optimize the secretion of insulin, and this makes the body less sensitive to carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, reduces hunger. Your body begins to burn fat reserves during fasting moments, without being distracted by food processing. Moreover, an empty stomach can rest, it enhances immunity and improves hormonal levels. Some nutritionists are confident that this principle of nutrition reduces inflammatory processes in the body, regulates blood sugar, and improves mental function.
With a combination of interval fasting and strength training, you can gain muscle mass by burning fat, the body will become more prominent and toned. But without proper preparation, doing sports on an empty stomach will be difficult.
Types of Interval Fasting
There are many varieties of interval fasting. The simplest and most popular is the 16 by 8 mode. The meaning of this diet is that 16 hours a day a person is starving, and for 8 hours you can eat. Most often, the bulk of the 16 hours of hunger is in sleep. People who adhere to this model of nutrition skip breakfast, and spend the main meal at lunch.
The second type is the previously mentioned warrior diet. We have already noted that such a diet is not recommended by doctors. But many athletes note that it was a 20-hour hunger and 4 hours of eating food that allowed them to lose weight. It is this method of nutrition that can be the answer to the question - how to lose weight extremely fast.
There are also more complex modes - this is daily fasting, and even fasting lasting 36 and 48 hours. We strongly do not recommend starting an introduction to interval fasting with such regimes. Since they are only suitable for experienced athletes.
There are also lightweight options for such a diet. Interval fasting also includes a 5 by 2 regimen - this is a normal diet 5 days a week, and 2 days of fasting. This option is suitable for exploring intermittent fasting and can be recommended for beginners.
Other types of intermittent fast
Many athletes combine interval fasting with other diets in order to achieve their desired shape even faster. For example, a combination of a protein diet and interval fasting is popular among athletes. The essence of this approach is not only to limit the time of food intake but also to eat mainly proteins. With this type of diet, fat loss occurs very quickly. But there are also disadvantages - a reduced amount of carbohydrates can lead to fatigue, drowsiness and reduced performance. You can learn more about the high-protein diet in this article.
Side effects
Of course, there is no ideal food model that would suit everyone without exception. And interval fasting is also no exception to the rule. Although many nutritionists and nutritionists say that this method of nutrition is suitable for everyone, in fact, it is not. First of all, any fasting is prohibited for children, pregnant and lactating women.
Any fasting should be used with caution in people with diseases of the stomach and intestines, with oncological processes. Indeed, in such cases, the intake of nutrients is already reduced. And starvation will reduce the already low-calorie intake.
Of course, you should not start interval fasting with colds, respiratory diseases, which are accompanied by fever. In such cases, the body needs more nutrients than usual.
There is evidence that interval fasting may be useful in autoimmune diseases, asthma, type 2 diabetes and obesity. But, before trying this type of food, it is worth consulting a doctor.
Interval fasting is a good way to reduce body weight, which is suitable for healthy people. Actually, it can be an answer to question how to burn fat quickly. It is good in that there are many varieties, and you can always choose for yourself a suitable option. Before applying fasting to people with any disease, it is worth consulting a doctor.