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Injuries in bodybuilding - how to cope with them

Injuries in bodybuilding - how to cope with them

Injuries in bodybuilding - this is something that any athlete will sooner or later face. It is they who sometimes discourage any desire to workout, it is they who can cross out your sports career once and for all. In today`s article, we will talk about the most common injuries in bodybuilding.

An athlete cannot escape injuries in any sport. They occur in athletes and swimmers, and especially bodybuilders or powerlifters. Bodybuilding is undoubtedly a difficult sport, and not only because of the weights that are lifted there, but also because of injuries. After all, when performing this or that exercise, several muscle groups are included (most often) at once, especially if you are a beginner and often work with basic exercises. In addition to muscles, ligaments and tendons also participate in weight lifting - all of which together make up the athlete’s most vulnerable areas.

What are the main injuries in bodybuilding?

An athlete in the gym can get a variety of injuries - from minor bruises and sprains to tearing of a muscle tendon. The most common injuries are dislocations and subluxations, tendonitis, bursitis, fracture, sprain.

Most often, the causes of such injuries are a violation of the training technique. It can be too much working weight, and poor preparation of muscles for strength training, and even banal negligence. Of course, some joint and bone diseases, such as osteochondrosis or lordosis, can also lead to injuries. Incorrect posture or flat feet can also contribute to injury. But such cases are quite rare. And the main reason for getting injured is the wrong exercise technique.

How to avoid injuries in bodybuilding?

Muscles must be prepared for intense training. After exercise, it is necessary to relieve muscle tension. Stretching increases flexibility, which is of paramount importance under significant loads. To avoid injury, the muscles must be not only strong but also flexible.

In addition, you need to drink enough water during a workout, as well as before and when it starts. In fact, the lack of water in the body significantly reduces physical capabilities. Overloading during training often results in fatigue, which also contributes to injury.

Basic rules for avoiding injuries

  1. Always start and end your weight training course with a warm-up and stretch of muscles. It is muscles and ligaments without proper preparation that cause many injuries.
  2. Start exercises with small weights, and slowly move to increase them. This rule is especially relevant for beginners. You do not need to chase the scales until the bone-ligament apparatus is strengthened, it is also better to work with small weights until you perfect the technique of doing the exercises.
  3. Also, do not forget about insurance when performing heavy exercises. Suppose, when you are trying to take a new weight, or on the last approach working at maximum weight for yourself, it is better to ask someone for help.
  4. Control the speed of the exercise and breathing. No sharp jerks, only smooth lifting and lowering of the weight, otherwise there will be serious problems with ligaments and joints.
  5. Avoid movements that cause pain in the joints, tendons, spine. if pain occurs, change the trajectory of movement and/or reduce the load.
  6. Keep your focus on your workout. Although there can be a lot of distracting factors when practising in the gym, the main thing is your exercise technique. Beginners are especially prone to distraction in the hall.
  7. A comfortable fit can also protect you from injury. When performing exercises with a load on the muscles of the back and joints, it is necessary to additionally strengthen with the help of corsets and elastic bandages.

How to cope with minor injuries and post-workout pain

Any trauma that forces you to temporarily stop training or to limit the load does harm not only physical but also psychological. Therefore, you need to be careful about prevention and recovery.

First, you need to understand the causes of the injury, as well as how to distinguish a possible injury from muscle post-workout pain. The cause of muscle pain is the training itself. Especially severe pain manifests itself in the first training. It is possible that over time it does not get weaker, your attitude towards it just changes.

If at first, it causes the only inconvenience, then an experienced athlete gives satisfaction from the work done in the gym. Massage, light warm-up, warm baths, the sauna will help to cope with muscle pain. Also, a course of steroids for gaining lean muscle mass can help to speed up your recovery.

How to deal with severe pain during or after training?

If you have severe pain during training, this may indicate a serious injury. First of all, you need to immediately stop the load on the muscles. Apply cold to the painful area - it can be ice or a bottle of cold water. It is necessary to provide the damaged area with maximum rest for at least a day. If the pain persists but becomes stronger, or if there is severe swelling or bleeding, impaired limb function, you need to visit a doctor. You can continue training only after a full recovery. With some injuries, recovery can last up to several weeks. Some steroids, for example, Deka Sustanon course can help in your recovery process.

Synthetic testosterone preparations such as Sustanon short steroid courses can help speed recovery. The growth hormone (Somatotropin) also shows good results in recovery. You can learn more about these drugs and order them online in our steroid shop.

Listen to your body to know about your real possibilities. In the long run, a controlled workout with a gradual increase in workload will always be more useful than an overload workout, which leads to injuries that slow your progress.


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