Fatigue after exercise - how to reduce it

Most athletes feel tired after training if they have an interest in how to gain weight. Fatigue symptoms are a natural reaction of the body. Which, on the one hand, suggests that the time spent in training was not wasted. But on the other hand, it warns that the body's strength is running out. It is with the help of fatigue that our body signals that dangerous changes are beginning to occur in it. What to do in case of fatigue, how to relieve fatigue and what regime is better to adhere to between workouts - read in our article.
How does fatigue happen?
From a medical point of view, fatigue is a temporary decrease in performance caused by biochemical, functional and structural changes that have arisen as a result of exercise. And actually one of the most important tips on how to gain weight is a rest after the exercises.
Because while exercising, a person loses a lot of energy. In our body, there are energy reserves that allow us to withstand fairly long-term loads without compromising health.
First of all, such a kind of "energy battery" is creatine phosphate ("muscle fuel") - this is a high-energy compound that stabilizes the level of ATP in muscles, preventing it from decreasing. During intensive work, the reserves of creatine phosphate can be almost completely used up. But fortunately, this is not the only source of energy in our body. The real storehouse of energy is glycogen, which accumulates in the liver and muscles. When this reserve is exhausted, fat depots come into play (this is what doctors call our extra pounds). With very long loads, amino acids begin to oxidize and release energy.
Maintaining the required blood glucose level we can also consider an energy-saving ability of the body. A decrease in the rate of ATP synthesis in muscle cells disrupts the contractile function of myofibrils - elements of muscle tissue cells, as a result of which the power of the work performed decreases. And that's when we start to get tired and feel extremely exhausted.
Physical activity and lactic acid
When performing heavy loads, lactate, or lactic acid, forms in the muscles and disrupts their work. The following process starts: with an increase in the amount of lactate, acidity in the tissues increases, which reduces the contractile ability of proteins and slows down the recovery of working capacity and, as a result, muscle fatigue. The accumulation of lactic acid in muscle cells leads to their increase, after which the muscle can no longer contract normally. A person gets tired and can no longer exercise with the same ease as at the beginning of training, even when using the best course to mass without a pullback. Muscle pain and burning are signs of overtraining and a sign that it's time to take a break from training and start restoring your body.
Fatigue recovery techniques
Strength athletes believe that recovering from exercise needs to be even harder than exercising. In order for the muscles to be voluminous and strong, training must be long and tense, and a person who does not know how to recover from them simply cannot withstand such a regime and will not achieve the effect.
As mentioned above, training exposes the body to many injuries and damage. Therefore, if you feel muscle pain or muscle burning after exercise, this is the right time to recover. However, before you start using some of the guaranteed methods to reduce muscle damage and pain, you should focus on the most basic steps. So, what you need to do immediately after training for effective regeneration?
Taking glycogen supplements after exercise and sports not only has a beneficial effect on muscles but also prevents the body from using alternative energy sources. The best way to get enough glycogen is through food. You should focus on nutritious and quality foods with a balanced ratio of protein and carbohydrates. In particular, carbohydrates are an excellent source of glycogen. Eating 1.1-1.5 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight within 30 minutes after training leads to proper glycogen synthesis.
If you do not have time for a full meal, use a sports nutrition, for example, drink a protein shake. In addition to proteins, sports food experts recommend consuming BCAA, glutamine, fast and slow carbohydrates. Read more about BCAA and its action in this article. Don't forget about water: during exercise, you sweat, which means you lose a lot of fluids. To avoid dehydration, be sure to drink plain, clean water before, during, and after class. Multivitamin complexes will also not be superfluous.
Daily and exercise regimen to reduce fatigue
High-quality and proper sleep is very important for combating fatigue after exercise since it is during sleep that the body's recovery processes are the fastest. A hot bath and light massages will also help you tone up faster.
Massage is a very effective method of relieving fatigue after exercise. It relieves muscle cramps, accelerates lymph, increases muscle elasticity and relieves muscle stiffness. Finish your workout with stretching exercises. They provide blood flow to the muscles, help them relax faster, thereby reducing subsequent pain.
Train at intervals of 1-3 days. Otherwise, microtraumas that muscle fibres receive during active training (especially if you prefer strength exercises) will not have time to heal. We can also recommend alternating the load on different muscle groups so that they have time to recover normally.
Drink water while exercising, it is especially important not to suffer from thirst if you exercise for a long time and at full strength. As practice shows, dehydration of the body is one of the most common causes of rapid fatigue and pulling muscle pains arising from sports.
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