Caffeine to enhance athletic performance

Everyone knows that caffeine invigorates, gives strength and makes “the most tired brain” wake up. But for weight loss, these properties are not so important. Most studies on caffeine have focused exclusively on sports that require increased stamina. Their main conclusion is that for most of these athletes, caffeine helps to achieve better athletic performance. In this article, we will examine in detail the effect of caffeine on the athlete's body, and how to use caffeine for weight loss.
Useful properties of coffee
Many studies have proven that drinking a small amount of coffee - from three to five cups per day - reduces the likelihood of the formation of amyloid plaques in the brain. These plaques are associated with Alzheimer's disease and amyloidosis. These diseases manifest themselves in old age and can lead to a decrease in mental abilities. That is, in fact, it can be argued that moderate consumption of coffee reduces the likelihood of dementia in old age.
It has also been shown that moderate coffee consumption can reduce the likelihood of breast cancer in women. There are many more positive effects - a decrease in the likelihood of heart and vascular disease, an increase in testosterone levels. Some athletes may even call it natural anabolics, but it has no anabolic properties.
The principle of caffeine`s action
Under the influence of caffeine, the hormone adrenaline is produced, which affects metabolism. Adrenaline stimulates the breakdown of fats in fat cells and the production of fatty acids. Of these, the body draws energy at high loads. At the same time, the process of ketosis is activated - the breakdown of fats proper into ketone bodies. These ketones circulate in the blood. They can act as an alternative source of energy for the body, including the brain. During initial physical exertion, muscles use fatty acids available for energy production, while maintaining intact muscle glycogen stores.
When caffeine is consumed during exercise, fat burning increases by 25%. The body is more willing to part with fat reserves, the ratio of body fats and carbohydrates consumed during physical activity changes with an increase in the proportion of the latter, and this effect is observed even during aerobic training. Physical endurance increases, you can exercise longer, take more weight. Caffeine also has the ability to reduce appetite.
It can also directly affect skeletal muscle by altering key enzymes or systems that regulate the breakdown of carbohydrates within cells. Caffeine, due to its direct effect on the central nervous system, can provide a psychological effect, making athletes feel that they are not working so hard, or in some way maximize the strength of muscle contractions.
Caffeine in sports
This drug is popular among athletes who need to increase stamina and speed. Caffeine is a legal stimulant. This is largely due to the fact that caffeine is not addictive and after its use, there is no withdrawal syndrome. Also, caffeine in its natural form is found in tea and coffee. This makes it a legal stimulant. Many athletes include it in a course on a set of high-quality muscle mass due to its stimulating properties.
For many years, sports doctors have been investigating the effects of caffeine on athletes. It was proved that the use of caffeine both in the form of medicines and in the form of tea and coffee has a positive effect on the speed and severity of the reaction. These properties are most useful for athletes, cyclists, biathletes. But we do not recommend to include a lot of caffeine in a muscle gain course.
Dosage and administration
You should take caffeine in the morning, as it can cause nervous agitation and insomnia. You should plan the reception in that way, then in half an hour - an hour you can workout in the gym. This is how this drug will have the most effective effect. The initial dose is 2 mg per kilogram of weight (100 mg per 50 kg). The maximum allowable daily dose of caffeine is 500 mg, at one dose - 300 mg.
At the time of taking caffeine in the form of a drug supplement, you should refuse to take tea, coffee, and cola. If after 1-2 weeks you will not notice any health deterioration, you can gradually increase the dose up to 100 mg per 30 kg of body weight (but not more than 300 mg of caffeine per dose). The half-life of the drug is 4–5 hours.
Taking this drug for weight loss and enhancing athletic performance, you need to monitor the cardiovascular system and overall well-being. It will not be superfluous to measure the pulse and blood pressure before and after taking the drug.
Caffeine in Fat Burners
Caffeine is part of many fat burners and pre-workout complexes. Therefore, you need to carefully study the labels and compositions of all the supplements that you take. Caffeine is often part of the ephedrine-caffeine-aspirin complex or ECA. You can learn more about this complex in this article. It's better to purchase anabolic steroids in a proven online steroid store.
Special notes
Caffeine is able to reduce the amount of calcium in the blood, so strong coffee is better to drink with milk, and calcium supplements should be taken with caffeine in tablets. It also works as a diuretic, so you should drink from 2 to 2.5 litres of water while taking it. Contraindications to admission are diseases of the heart and blood vessels, increased irritability, diseases of the stomach and intestines. In case of an overdose, such symptoms may occur - tachycardia, anxiety, tinnitus, high blood pressure, heart pain, nausea.
In conclusion
This drug has many positive and negative aspects. Its use for both losing weight and improving athletic performance is legal. Therefore, the athlete can use it without fear. When taking caffeine, you need to remember about the possibility of an overdose and follow the indicators of pressure and pulse. You can order fat burners with pre-workout complexes in the Anabolic Menu steroid shop.