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Masteron 100 (Drostanolone Enanthate) Asia Dispensary

$ 54,00
Drostanolone is an androgenic anabolic steroid that hit the market in the early 1970’s. It is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivate with a unique modification in structure making it one of the most popular steroids used by bodybuilders and athletes to obtain hardened look and lean muscular physique.

  • Brand
    Asia Dispensary
  • Code
  • Chemical
    Drostanolone Enanathate
  • Strength
  • Size
    10ml vial

What is Drostanolone (Masteron)?

Drostanolone is an androgenic anabolic steroid that hit the market in the early 1970’s. It is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivate with a unique modification in structure making it one of the most popular steroids used by bodybuilders and athletes to obtain hardened look and lean muscular physique.

Drostanolone enanthate (Masteron) was developed by Syntax laboratories to help with the treatment of postmenopausal breast cancer in women. Nowadays it is used by bodybuilders and athletes, yet it is still approved by the FDA to be used in certain cases of breast cancer. It carries with it a many anabolic properties, but what makes it special is that it also serves as an Aromatase inhibitor, making it a good choice for those who use aromatizing anabolic steroids such as testosterone or Dbol.

Since Masteron is a DHT derivate, it can enhance protein synthesis and can increase nitrogen retention into muscles, thereby increasing the anabolic state of the body and allowing muscles to grow bigger and stronger. It should be mentioned that this anabolic steroid is not as strong as testosterone or DECA, it carries an anabolic/androgenic rating of 62/25, but don’t be fooled by such rating thinking that is it is weak, we can say that and assure you that there isn’t a better steroid out in the market that can provide you a harder look. That’s why its advised to stake it with testosterone or Tren, due to its ability to lower their estrogenic side effects and enhance their anabolic actions.

This anabolic does not turn into estrogen, but rather is an aromatase blocker, which is especially important for male athletes. But women are not recommended to take it because of the virilization mentioned above.

Masteron is available in the form of esters of propionate and enanthate in ampoules. One of the main advantages of this steroid is its long-lasting effect. In addition, anabolic in combination with proper nutrition will help get rid of the fat layer.

Attaching Drostanolone enanthate ester elongate the half-life of this anabolic steroid, meaning less injections per week, not like when attached to propionate ester where one should inject himself every other day.

Masteron Effects

  • powerful fat burner - can reduce the amount of fat by 8% from the initial level, which is why it is so popular during the drying period;
  • a slight increase in muscle mass - it is very important for those who want to increase endurance without gaining mass (applies only to the solo course);
  • aromatase blocking is very important for men, because the body does not produce excessive amounts of estrogen;
  • Muscle “drawing” - is achieved due to the mild diuretic action of the drug.

How to Use Masteron 100 (Drostanolone)?

Masteron is usually used in cutting cycles and it works best if stacked with other steroids. It is considered to be the “final touch” to achieve shredded physique especially prior to competition.

A dose ranging between 400-600mg per week is the standard dose. Splitting such dose for two to three injections per week will provide optimum results. As for female athletes, a dose of 50mg per weeks is enough to notice the anabolic results of this steroid.

The standard course of taking Masteron is 10 weeks, but if you intend to use it as a fat burner, then 6 weeks is enough. A weekly dosage of the drug is 400-600 mg. Masteron should be administered subcutaneously.

  • For beginners, this regimen is recommended: 50 mg of a steroid solo every other day for six weeks.
  • To increase strength, masteron should be combined with testosterone (400 mg) or turinabol (40 mg) for eight weeks. In this case, the dosage of the main steroid is 300-400 mg per week.
  • If the drug is used during the drying period, then it is combined with oxandrolone in a dosage of 400 mg and 50 mg daily. The duration of the course is 6-8 weeks.

Drostanolone Side Effects

Drostanolone is what we call a mild anabolic steroid, it is well tolerated if used by healthy adults. We are not saying that it does not cause side effects, it dose actually especially of misused or abused.

Here are some of the side effects that Masteron can lead to, and how to manage them or control if possible:

  • androgenic effect - risk of partial hair loss, nervousness, acne, virilization in women;
  • jumps in blood pressure - occur in people suffering from high blood cholesterol;
  • decrease of the natural production of testosterone is due to intake of the hormone in the steroid.
  • Allergies, such as rash. If allergies appear usage should be stopped.
  • Androgenic side effects such as acne, hair loss and Virilization in woman may occur.
  • Low levels of testosterone. Masteron will suppress natural testosterone production, that is why a good post cycle therapy (PCT) is recommended once finished or discontinued.


  • This drug does not cause estrogenic side effects since it counts as an Aromatase inhibitor.
  • This drug has no toxic effect on the liver.


Drostanolone is a medical product and requires following recommendations of its usage and storage. It should be stored in the cool dark place, avoiding direct sunlight. It’s also necessary to keep this drug out of children`s reach!

You MUST consult with your attending physician before you start using this drug. We also ask you to take into account that this drug may cause some side effects. Some of them can be life-threatening. If you notice any disturbing symptoms you should to contact with your physician. In some cases, it is necessary to stop taking the drug for a while. Also, you must inform your doctor if you taking Masteron 100 with other medicines. So physician can prescribe proper treatment and help you to avoid any unpleasant adverse effects.

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